Recently New Arts Commerce and Science College, Parner, Dist-Ahmednagar-414 302, INDIA obtained NAAC A++ grade. The entire success is a journey of challenges and opportunities for the college. The IQAC coordinator Prof. Dilip Thube will unfold the entire journey of their college in getting the highest NAAC grade. This will help several colleges from rural India to create the path of success by developing opportunities from challenges.
Date: 26/7/23
Day: Wednesday
Time: 7:00 PM
Youtube Link:
About the Expert
- He is Vice-Principal, Professor and Head, Department of Chemistry and Research Center, New Arts Commerce and Science College, Parner, Dist-Ahmednagar-414 302, INDIA
- IQAC Coordinator
- Member, Board of Studies (BOS) in Chemistry of Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Pune
- Faculty Development Programme for IQAC Coordinators at Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune during 19-25 March 2018.
- Train the Trainers, Workshop conducted by RUSA, Maharashtra during 3-8 October 2018 at R J College, Ghatkopar, Mumbai.
- Invited Talk on “NAAC-Revised Assessment and Accreditation Manual”, PARAMARSH Mentee Institution Orientation Workshop, 5 January 2020, NACS College, Ahmednagar.
- Invited Talk Online on “DEEKSHARAMBH: Student Induction Programme”, PARAMARSH Mentee Institution Orientation Workshop-II, 12 June 2020, NACS College, Ahmednagar.