Our goal is to set the highest standards for our educational content. Mahaedunews provides in-depth analysis and research for all the questions in education. Your experience plays an important role for mahaedunews. You can join fast growing team of writers who pitch for great ideas and share their own knowledge and experiences with millions of other stakeholders who are part of vast educational sector
How it works?
You write for us and the content is edited by our in-house editorial team. We’ll help guide and nurture your ideas and see them through to their publication dates.
We focus on
We focus on all following educational content. However, any content which are not mentioned below but comes under the scope of broad spectrum of education can also be considered for publication.
- Educational News (any news including college, school or institute)
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- Scholarship News
- Sports News
- Motivational Articles/Stories
- Expert Advice Articles
- Student Views (on any subject)
- Skill development
- Life Explained (with specific outcome)
- Individual Educational Journey
- Events
- Achievements
- Various Exams
- Technology
- Book Reviews
Who we’re looking for
We’re looking for teachers, students, professionals, specialists, individuals with notable industrial experience, educationalists and any individual who maintains considerable views on education.
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Our Policy
Mahaedunews reserves the right to edit or reject the content depending upon the requirement of the website. We may also update your post in the future for accuracy and comprehensiveness.